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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by woodyrun with the online test builder (118 tests)

    81. Their, theirs, there (6540 candidates)
    82. Present perfect in the interrogative form (63770 candidates)
    83. Past tense in the interrogative form (96473 candidates)
    84. Present simple or continuous in the interrogative form (35277 candidates)
    85. Use contractions (2879 candidates)
    86. Unusual words (776 candidates)
    87. Possessive adjectives (90924 candidates)
    88. Use other words to say it (1161 candidates)
    89. Relative pronouns (5020 candidates)
    90. Form a word (1553 candidates)
    91. Adverbs or adjectives ? (19679 candidates)
    92. Infinitive (26327 candidates)
    93. Composed nouns (10329 candidates)
    94. Petites phrases : choisissez la bonne traduction ! (47891 candidates)
    95. Ask some questions (12290 candidates)
    96. Yes - No answers (40183 candidates)
    97. Find the answer (17650 candidates)
    98. Only : différents sens... (1316 candidates)
    99. Tags (3362 candidates)
    100. To agree with, to, that... (13882 candidates)

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