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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by jod47 with the online test builder (106 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Present (16506 candidates)
    2. Possive adjectives (13428 candidates)
    3. questa|quella (10445 candidates)
    4. Piacere/Amare (7682 candidates)
    5. Essere/Stare (6758 candidates)
    6. Adverbial pronoun 'ne' (6620 candidates)
    7. Say "yes" otherwise (5805 candidates)
    8. Passive voice (4764 candidates)
    9. Subjunctive present (4342 candidates)
    10. Relative pronoun : cui (4205 candidates)
    11. Past participles (4129 candidates)
    12. Indicative or subjunctive (4033 candidates)
    13. 'SI' : passive or impersonal (3648 candidates)
    14. Conditional (3070 candidates)
    15. Present Perfect (passato prossimo) (2961 candidates)
    16. Grammar (2292 candidates)
    17. "Di" or "nothing"? (2283 candidates)
    18. Demonstrative adjectives - A1 (2271 candidates)
    19. False friends (2172 candidates)
    20. Prefixes I (2157 candidates)

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