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    tests by jagienka with the online test builder (69 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Le plus-que-parfait (479614 candidates) 301 candidates today
    2. Participe passé (678814 candidates) 187 candidates today
    3. "Qui" ou "Que" (211043 candidates) 54 candidates today
    4. Leur - Leurs (231987 candidates) 49 candidates today
    5. Noms en -AIL, -EIL, -EUIL, -AILLE, -EILLE, -EUILLE. (104285 candidates) 27 candidates today
    6. Futur antérieur (148950 candidates) 19 candidates today
    7. L'article indéfini (85237 candidates) 12 candidates today
    8. Subjonctif présent (28423 candidates) 10 candidates today
    9. L'article partitif (140424 candidates) 10 candidates today
    10. Les prépositions (80572 candidates) 10 candidates today
    11. Discours direct ou indirect (193490 candidates) 9 candidates today
    12. Infinitif passé; ' Etre' ou ' Avoir' (40609 candidates) 8 candidates today
    13. Comparatifs et superlatifs (100261 candidates) 7 candidates today
    14. AVOIR; Présent de l'indicatif (50761 candidates) 6 candidates today
    15. Pronoms toniques (79155 candidates) 6 candidates today
    16. Ce qui , ce que , ce dont (83565 candidates) 6 candidates today
    17. Le gérondif (23932 candidates) 5 candidates today
    18. Pronoms personnels compléments : le, la, l' , les. (57170 candidates) 4 candidates today
    19. 'faire' ou 'laisser' (31340 candidates) 4 candidates today
    20. Subjonctif dans la proposition subordonnée relative. (7816 candidates) 3 candidates today

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