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    tests by valdyeuse with the online test builder (336 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Adjectifs démonstratifs (267908 candidates) 67 candidates yesterday / 136 views yesterday
    2. Présent : verbes du 2e groupe (130697 candidates) 54 candidates yesterday / 132 views yesterday
    3. Temps de l'indicatif (193840 candidates) 35 candidates yesterday / 122 views yesterday
    4. peu - peux - peut (63733 candidates) 34 candidates yesterday / 94 views yesterday
    5. La cédille : c ou ç (206292 candidates) 34 candidates yesterday / 246 views yesterday
    6. Aller au présent (148792 candidates) 26 candidates yesterday / 60 views yesterday
    7. Passé simple (112561 candidates) 25 candidates yesterday / 84 views yesterday
    8. Pronoms personnels COD (120687 candidates) 24 candidates yesterday / 128 views yesterday
    9. Relative ou conjonctive par 'que' (113789 candidates) 20 candidates yesterday / 53 views yesterday
    10. La - l'a - l'as - là (32113 candidates) 18 candidates yesterday / 24 views yesterday
    11. CC de manière et de moyen (21600 candidates) 18 candidates yesterday / 50 views yesterday
    12. Adjectif interrogatif 'quel' (57269 candidates) 16 candidates yesterday / 47 views yesterday
    13. Pronoms personnels COD (37536 candidates) 13 candidates yesterday / 18 views yesterday
    14. Participe passé employé comme adjectif (45448 candidates) 11 candidates yesterday / 32 views yesterday
    15. Noms en ail, aille, eil, eille, euil, euille (44055 candidates) 11 candidates yesterday / 35 views yesterday
    16. Lettre finale muette (71026 candidates) 10 candidates yesterday / 45 views yesterday
    17. Dire au présent. (46883 candidates) 9 candidates yesterday / 63 views yesterday
    18. Le futur simple (34526 candidates) 8 candidates yesterday / 15 views yesterday
    19. Compléments circonstanciels (44490 candidates) 8 candidates yesterday / 17 views yesterday
    20. Auquel auxquels auxquelles (31658 candidates) 8 candidates yesterday / 85 views yesterday

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