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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by lucile83 with the online test builder (292 tests)

    161. There is / there are (205460 candidates)
    162. Clothes (114568 candidates)
    163. False friends (13275 candidates)
    164. Passive voice (40774 candidates)
    165. Not or no ? (33520 candidates)
    166. Wait/expect (142707 candidates)
    167. Animals (video) (119333 candidates)
    168. Vocabulary: To, up to, as far as, etc. (32191 candidates)
    169. Questions in the past tense (289790 candidates)
    170. Time clauses (14693 candidates)
    171. Gerund and infinitive (15764 candidates)
    172. Parts of Body (131016 candidates)
    173. About Wuthering Heights ( E.Brontë ) (6807 candidates)
    174. Numbers and song (video) (14773 candidates)
    175. Pluriel des mots (5626 candidates)
    176. Son ' é '. en fin de mots (3043 candidates)
    177. Present continuous (24814 candidates)
    178. Passé composé (13827 candidates)
    179. Pronoms personnels compléments (102508 candidates)
    180. Quelques mots (624 candidates)

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