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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by felin with the online test builder (259 tests)

    41. That or which (40670 candidates)
    42. Culture générale (10465 candidates)
    43. Culture Générale - Quiz (8823 candidates)
    44. Culture générale (10163 candidates)
    45. Imply or infer (5178 candidates)
    46. Continuous or continual (2032 candidates)
    47. Affect and effect (10014 candidates)
    48. Insure, ensure, or assure (5655 candidates)
    49. Lay or lie (4353 candidates)
    50. Verbs (1175 candidates)
    51. Ed or ing (1968 candidates)
    52. Prepositions (2836 candidates)
    53. Fewer or less (37331 candidates)
    54. Expressions idiomatiques (1553 candidates)
    55. Expressions idiomatiques (2232 candidates)
    56. Would/used to (34426 candidates)
    57. Feel bad/feel badly (2160 candidates)
    58. Expressions idiomatiques (2713 candidates)
    59. Question Tags (3024 candidates)
    60. Bring and take (7542 candidates)

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