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looking for poems
Message de minoucha1 posté le 13-10-2006 à 18:27:24 (S | E | F | I)

hellooooooooo everybody!I hope you are fine.Well, I am looking for small poems that I can teach to my students (who are 'false' beginners).But not difficult ones of course. Thank you so much.

Modifié par bridg le 13-10-2006 18:28

Réponse: looking for poems de bridg, postée le 13-10-2006 à 18:33:14 (S | E)
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Réponse: looking for poems de minoucha1, postée le 13-10-2006 à 18:42:39 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your quick reply my dear bridg.

Réponse: looking for poems de minoucha1, postée le 13-10-2006 à 18:56:26 (S | E)
it is me againI am asking students or teachers whether they can post the poems they had at school.Thank you again

Réponse: looking for poems de brioche, postée le 13-10-2006 à 22:44:16 (S | E)
Hello Minoucha1, four years ago, my farmer English teacher wanted us to write some poems. Thus, everybody wrote two poems, and we published them in a small note book, then we sold them in order to make money to fund our trip to England! That was great! Maybe you could try ? ( could you try ?)

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-10-2006 14:25

Réponse: looking for poems de prettyflamingo, postée le 15-10-2006 à 13:06:43 (S | E)
last year I studied the poem about WWI "In Flanders Fields" with some 1e ES. It worked well.

Réponse: looking for poems de minoucha1, postée le 15-10-2006 à 18:43:01 (S | E)
hello prettyflamingo!thank you very much for your answer.But I don't get the poem you are speaking about. If you could write some lines I will be grateful to you.Thanks in advance.

Réponse: looking for poems de toufa57, postée le 15-10-2006 à 21:15:30 (S | E)
I have many poems for children:
Three little words you often see
Are articles: a , an and the.
Anoun's the Name of anything,
As:school or garden,toy or swing.
Adjectives tell the kind of Noun,
As:great,small,pretty,white and brown.
Verbs tell of something being done:
To read ,write,count,sing,jump or run.
How things are done the Adverbs tell.As:slowly,quickly,badly,well.
Conjunctions join the wors together,
As:men and women,wind and weather.
The preposition stands before
A Noun as:in or through a door.
The interjection shows surprise
As:Oh,how pretty! Ah! how wise!
The whole are called the parts of Speech,
Which Reading,Writing,Speaking teach. (Jimmy Garthwaite)

Why parents always say
"No" to this and "No" to that?
"No,you can't go and play
No,don't tease the cat.
No,don't do your hair that way;
No,don't wear that dress."
Why must they always,always say
"No" instead of "yes"? (Jimmy Garthwaite)

Some day I'll build a boat
That's just for me
I'll fill it full of books
And put to sea.
I'lllet it sail,
I'll never stop to look.
Just read and read
And read and read
My book. (Jimmy Garthwaite)

I think a bath a silly thing,
A waste of time and soap ;
I had my first bath yesterday.
It was my last,I hope. (Hilaire Belloc)

Good morning boys and girls!
Sit down!
Get your things ready.
Open your books.
Turn to page 86.
Cover the right-hand page with the flap.
Look at the pictures.Describe Picture1.
Answer this question,please.
Do you understand?
Speak up!
Look at the blackboard!
Stand up, please!
Come to my desk.
Come(go) to the blckboard.
Take a piece of chalk.
Write down this sentence.
Spell the second word.
Please,sir,what's the English of "dictionnaire"?
How do you spell "dictionary" ?
What do you call this in English?
Clean the blackboard ,please.
Go back to your place.
Switch on the record-player.
Listen to the record.
Repeat every sentence,please.
Play the record again.
Read this poem(piece of poetry).
Learn this poem by heart.
Make a note of your homework for the next lesson.
Put your things away.
You can(may) go now.
Goodbye, boys and girls!
Goodbye,Mrs Grey!

NB: Ce dernier poème est un souvenir de mémoire,je ne me rappelle plus de l'auteur.Voilà,vous avez de quoi commencer.
See you.

Réponse: looking for poems de minoucha1, postée le 15-10-2006 à 22:48:22 (S | E)
thank you so much dear toufa for these nice poems, especially that of grammar it is really right on target.

Réponse: looking for poems de toufa57, postée le 15-10-2006 à 23:25:44 (S | E)
Hello minoucha,
De rien,c'est avec plaisir et si ça peut vous rendre service,j'en ai encore d'autres que je pourrai vous communiquer.
A propos du premier poème,il faut lire :
-3ème ligne:A Noun's the Name of anything.
-11ème ligne:Conjunctions join the words together.
IMPORTANT: dans le texte intégral ,il y a certains mots qui sont écrits en GRAS,je vous les énumère afin de comprendre le sens de ce poème ,son but dans l'apprentissage.
Respectivement,du début à la fin et ligne par ligne:
Three,words ,of(de often),see.
Art(articles) , a, an ,the
Noun' , Name,anything
school, gar(garden),toy,swing
Verbs tell,some(something),be(being),done
read ,count,jump,run
Pre / si (preposition),stands ,fore(before)
Noun,in,through ,prise(surprise)
Oh, pret(pretty),Ah!,wise
whole,call(called),Parts Speech
Read(reading), Writ(writing), Speak(speaking),teach.
Relevez donc tous ces mots en gras,vous verrez mieux ce cours de Grammaire.
Bon courage! See you.



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