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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by denis76 with the online test builder (154 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
    21. Dictation - The Bay of the Somme 2/2 (354 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    22. Dictation - The evolution of trains in France 2/2 (381 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
    23. Dictation - Paris - The Conciergerie 1/2 (439 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    24. Dictation - The Bay of the Somme 1/2 (339 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday
    25. Dictation - The evolution of the trains in France 1/2 (430 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    26. Dictation - Carnival in London (1052 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 3 views yesterday
    27. Dictation - The story of the Subway in Paris (1085 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    28. Dictation -Paris - The Eiffel Tower (681 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday
    29. Dictation - The Statue of Liberty (751 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
    30. Dictation - Paris - Montmartre Hill (471 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday
    31. Dictation - Paris - The Jardin du Luxembourg (356 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    32. Dictation - Paris - The Arc de Triomphe (481 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    33. Dictation - Paris - The railway stations 1/2 (438 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
    34. Dictation - Paris - The Hotel Dieu Hospital 1/2 (456 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
    35. Dictation - Paris - The Canal Saint Martin 2/2 (303 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
    36. Paris - the Hôtel Dieu hospital 2/2 (344 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    37. Dictation - Paris - Ile de la Cité (378 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday
    38. Dictation - Paris - Notre Dame Cathedral (441 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    39. Plural of nouns (2) (331 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday
    40. Dictation - Paris - Christmas illuminations 1/2 (536 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday

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