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    401. Articles : (in)définis contractés partitifs (85236 candidates) 5 candidates yesterday / 20 views yesterday
    402. Prépositions : lieu espace temps mouvement (46685 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 35 views yesterday
    403. Adjectifs épithètes ou attributs et leur place. (28511 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 11 views yesterday
    404. Liens de famille (59289 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 20 views yesterday
    405. Phrase interrogative (la) (38491 candidates) 3 candidates yesterday / 14 views yesterday
    406. Expressions liées au corps humain (59784 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 20 views yesterday
    407. Présent (le) : Comprendre et conjuguer (40834 candidates) 3 candidates yesterday / 13 views yesterday
    408. Verbe et son sujet (51602 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 3 views yesterday
    409. Sur la route : Bilan de connaissances (31920 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 7 views yesterday
    410. Cédille (la) A2 (23232 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
    411. English alphabet (60686 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 13 views yesterday
    412. Groupes des verbes (53914 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 20 views yesterday
    413. Vocabulary : employment (33650 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 13 views yesterday
    414. Test de niveau : Confusions fréquentes / Les paronymes (358049 candidates) 23 candidates yesterday / 33 views yesterday
    415. Accord du sujet et mots écrans (110601 candidates) 16 candidates yesterday / 25 views yesterday
    416. Health at home - Vocabulary (36670 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 20 views yesterday
    417. Confusing words - Placement test (360672 candidates) 2 candidates yesterday / 18 views yesterday
    418. Homophones - Astuces orthographiques (38571 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 23 views yesterday
    419. Make or have + infinitive (38885 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 8 views yesterday
    420. Impersonal subject (24650 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 6 views yesterday

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