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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (385 tests)
    Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    261. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns (365 candidates)
    262. Reflexive and mutual pronouns (722 candidates)
    263. Relative pronouns (2199 candidates)
    264. Strengths and weaknesses (2983 candidates)
    265. Indefinite quantifiers (1562 candidates)
    266. Quantities (477 candidates)
    267. Wh questions (665 candidates)
    268. Wh questions (803 candidates)
    269. Open questions (21262 candidates)
    270. Open questions (1 candidate) [Being reviewed]
    271. Meeting (346 candidates)
    272. Laugh and idioms (189 candidates)
    273. Seasons, spring (333 candidates)
    274. Alone, only... (1716 candidates)
    275. Should or Would (837 candidates)
    276. Singular or plural of nouns (587 candidates)
    277. So, Such (5001 candidates)
    278. Causative clauses (623 candidates)
    279. Reported speech (9742 candidates)
    280. Adverbial clauses (1030 candidates)

    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | Next >> |