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    tests by webmaster with the online test builder (318 tests)
    Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Reading out operations in English (5455 candidates)
    2. Idioms: The Body II (8722 candidates)
    3. English date:How to write the small letters after the number (50475 candidates)
    4. Everyday / every day (42812 candidates)
    5. Wishing a happy birthday (22052 candidates)
    6. Huge Christmas lights (10584 candidates)
    7. Now he serves the homeless (video with subtitles) (23940 candidates)
    8. Filling in application forms (50004 candidates)
    9. Jobs II (27869 candidates)
    10. Fruit and vegetables (97251 candidates)
    11. Writing a formal letter (87953 candidates)
    12. Slang words 2 (40141 candidates)
    13. Chefs create a cordon bleu in space (2430 candidates)
    14. Phoning (14449 candidates)
    15. The Taste of the British (1473 candidates)
    16. Adverbs (101654 candidates)
    17. Passive voice (112641 candidates)
    18. British English/American English (67473 candidates)
    19. Two success stories for the NCMEC (573 candidates)
    20. Stop your child turning into a computer junkie (1726 candidates)

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