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    tests by webmaster with the online test builder (318 tests)
    Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Present perfect simple (1566177 candidates)
    2. The alphabet in English (1294935 candidates)
    3. Two presents: present continuous, present simple (1116702 candidates)
    4. Comparatives / Superlatives (1038959 candidates)
    5. Plural (936546 candidates)
    6. 'The' or nothing? (462752 candidates)
    7. This / That / These / Those (384314 candidates)
    8. Conditional (376435 candidates)
    9. Order of adjectives (298291 candidates)
    10. Agreement Tags (297873 candidates)
    11. Pluperfect (227905 candidates)
    12. Countable or Uncountable? (227778 candidates)
    13. Capital letters (183035 candidates)
    14. Feminine forms of nouns (165541 candidates)
    15. Ask the question (138105 candidates)
    16. Reflexive pronouns (129489 candidates)
    17. Future perfect / Future progressive (125082 candidates)
    18. Animals (116051 candidates)
    19. So / Neither ? (112880 candidates)
    20. Adverbs (101654 candidates)

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