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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests Italian tests Maths tests All
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    tests by webmaster with the online test builder (318 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Preterite (1529425 candidates) 208 candidates today
    2. Present simple (2745681 candidates) 191 candidates today
    3. Present perfect simple (1566156 candidates) 128 candidates today
    4. Present perfect (1286121 candidates) 87 candidates today
    5. Present simple (2547068 candidates) 69 candidates today
    6. Big placement test (6705024 candidates) 63 candidates today
    7. A/AN (5277646 candidates) 61 candidates today
    8. Preterite (1379636 candidates) 60 candidates today
    9. Present continuous (2340302 candidates) 59 candidates today
    10. What time is it? (1321073 candidates) 43 candidates today
    11. Present continuous (2945001 candidates) 33 candidates today
    12. Comparatives / Superlatives (1038953 candidates) 33 candidates today
    13. Preterite (594885 candidates) 29 candidates today
    14. Superlatives (860386 candidates) 26 candidates today
    15. CAN / MUST (1043420 candidates) 23 candidates today
    16. THE/ A / AN / nothing (997400 candidates) 22 candidates today
    17. 2 Preterites (644392 candidates) 22 candidates today
    18. What time is it? (1172173 candidates) 21 candidates today
    19. The alphabet in English (1294929 candidates) 19 candidates today
    20. General Test II / End of high school / Beginning of universi (438050 candidates) 18 candidates today

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