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    tests by mrkenedy with the online test builder (15 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Passé simple (76282 candidates)
    2. M devant m, b, p (63342 candidates)
    3. Noms en -oir /-oire (17110 candidates)
    4. Futur simple (13391 candidates)
    5. Accord des adjectifs de couleur (12121 candidates)
    6. Singular or plural? (11915 candidates)
    7. Impérative form (10421 candidates)
    8. Types de phrases (9136 candidates)
    9. Nombres en lettres (5086 candidates)
    10. Quand/quant/qu'en (3046 candidates)
    11. Verbe ou nom ? (3031 candidates)
    12. Consonne simple et accent (2879 candidates)
    13. Lettre H ou pas ? (2672 candidates)
    14. Cédille ou pas (1994 candidates)
    15. Imparfait (1441 candidates)