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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by salouajet with the online test builder (251 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    101. Eau/aqua (4606 candidates)
    102. Verbes transitifs/intransitifs (4541 candidates)
    103. Graphies du son [o] : (4503 candidates)
    104. Remplacer le verbe faire (4458 candidates)
    105. FLE/ TCF : Compréhension-Le potier (4430 candidates)
    106. Son (4430 candidates)
    107. Mots de la même famille (4091 candidates)
    108. Temps simples -Terminaisons (4088 candidates)
    109. Compréhension FLE/TCF (4036 candidates)
    110. Imperative (4011 candidates)
    111. Voir/voire (3975 candidates)
    112. Interrogation partielle (3971 candidates)
    113. Expressions avec 'tête' (3921 candidates)
    114. [ar] à la fin (3847 candidates)
    115. Prépositions (3834 candidates)
    116. Cerf (homonymes) (3720 candidates)
    117. Pronoms relatifs (3659 candidates)
    118. Remplacer 'voir' (3658 candidates)
    119. Salut/salue (3602 candidates)
    120. Mots de la même famille (3586 candidates)

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