Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
121. Compound Tenses of the Indicative (149779 candidates)
122. Mots dérivés: Les suffixes - CM1 (148815 candidates)
123. FLE - Clothes and accesories (148288 candidates)
124. Être au présent (147654 candidates)
125. On ou on n' - CM1 (147539 candidates)
126. Accents - CM1 (147375 candidates)
127. Animals - Vocabulary (147232 candidates)
128. French level tests audio A1 (146635 candidates)
129. Imperfect indicative. (145645 candidates)
130. FLE - Adjectifs contraires - Se décrire (143698 candidates)
131. FLE - Prépositions de déplacement (142172 candidates)
132. Adverbs (141797 candidates)
133. Grammaire : Pronoms - CM2 (141555 candidates)
134. Linking words (141488 candidates)
135. GN accord -genre et nombre - CE2 (140657 candidates)
136. Using 'si' in the sentences. (139778 candidates)
137. Participe présent et adjectif verbal (139004 candidates)
138. Ces/c'est/ses - A1 (138892 candidates)
139. Singulier et pluriel (137490 candidates)
140. Ont ou On (137218 candidates)
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