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    These tests : French tests English tests All
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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    141. Impératif présent. (602 candidates)
    142. Verbs + infinitive or gerund (682 candidates)
    143. Participe présent, adjectif verbal. (460 candidates)
    144. Verbs with or without prepositions (486 candidates)
    145. Expressions (476 candidates)
    146. Vocabulary - money and economy (447 candidates)
    147. Subject - verb agreement (597 candidates)
    148. Conjugation - irregular verbs (855 candidates)
    149. Impersonal sentences (891 candidates)
    150. Modals (457 candidates)
    151. Mistakes to avoid (535 candidates)
    152. De l'adjectif à l'adverbe en -ment. (997 candidates)
    153. Verbs and synonyms (297 candidates)
    154. Idioms and health (658 candidates)
    155. All's well that ends well! (280 candidates)
    156. Paronymes (2064 candidates)
    157. Labour world (487 candidates)
    158. Interrogative sentences (488 candidates)
    159. Indefinite quantifiers (1568 candidates)
    160. Adjectives - prepositions - indirect objects (1003 candidates)

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