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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    141. Beaucoup ou très ? (2650 candidates)
    142. Wh questions (877 candidates)
    143. Express quantities (436 candidates)
    144. Compound adjectives (480 candidates)
    145. Impératif présent. (609 candidates)
    146. Verbs + infinitive or gerund (702 candidates)
    147. Participe présent, adjectif verbal. (473 candidates)
    148. Verbs with or without prepositions (504 candidates)
    149. Expressions (488 candidates)
    150. Vocabulary - money and economy (469 candidates)
    151. Subject - verb agreement (618 candidates)
    152. Conjugation - irregular verbs (861 candidates)
    153. Impersonal sentences (1120 candidates)
    154. Modals (464 candidates)
    155. Mistakes to avoid (549 candidates)
    156. De l'adjectif à l'adverbe en -ment. (1106 candidates)
    157. Verbs and synonyms (300 candidates)
    158. Idioms and health (736 candidates)
    159. All's well that ends well! (284 candidates)
    160. Paronymes (2124 candidates)

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