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    These tests : French tests English tests All
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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    161. Labour world (498 candidates)
    162. Interrogative sentences (493 candidates)
    163. Indefinite quantifiers (1646 candidates)
    164. Adjectives - prepositions - indirect objects (1012 candidates)
    165. Laugh and idioms (189 candidates)
    166. Synonymes (907 candidates)
    167. Vocabulary: our planet (128 candidates)
    168. Orthographe du son (f) (561 candidates)
    169. Notions of time and duration (649 candidates)
    170. L'écrivain (1468 candidates)
    171. False friends (343 candidates)
    172. Prepositions (236 candidates)
    173. Confusion of words (713 candidates)
    174. Vocabulary (342 candidates)
    175. Conjonctions de coordination (594 candidates)
    176. Stages of life and passing time (508 candidates)
    177. Dérivation : du verbe au nom. (1931 candidates)
    178. Condition and clauses (1094 candidates)
    179. Phrasal verbs (645 candidates)
    180. Compound adjectives (485 candidates)

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