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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (45 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    21. Bilingual dialogue : At the station (6589 candidates)
    22. Vocabulaire : Corps humain (6461 candidates)
    23. Listen and find 15 trades (5827 candidates)
    24. Bilingual dialogue : Buying shoes (5822 candidates)
    25. Bilingual dialogue : What the weather like ? (5622 candidates)
    26. Bilingual dialogue : What about going to the cinema? (5311 candidates)
    27. Bilingual dialogue : At the chemist's. (4843 candidates)
    28. Bilingual dialogue : What will you have for breakfast ? (4670 candidates)
    29. Bilingual dialogue : Making an appointment by phone (4584 candidates)
    30. In the bathroom (4301 candidates)
    31. Bilingual dialogue : What do you prefer on TV ? (4203 candidates)
    32. Phone call (3973 candidates)
    33. Imperative: hobbies (3953 candidates)
    34. Bilingual dialogue : How are you enjoying your stay? (3511 candidates)
    35. Bilingual dialogue : At the post office (3450 candidates)
    36. Bilingual dialogue : To rent a flat (2362 candidates)
    37. Bilingual dialogue : In the garden (2356 candidates)
    38. lanciare- prendere- gettare-dare (2271 candidates)
    39. Bilingual dialogue : At the mechanic's (1281 candidates)
    40. Bilingual dialogue : At the dry cleaner’s (933 candidates)

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