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    These tests : French tests English tests Maths tests All
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    tests by valdyeuse with the online test builder (221 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    21. Simple past/Imperfekt (10900 candidates)
    22. Interrogative form (10677 candidates)
    23. Simple past/Imperfekt (10080 candidates)
    24. Wo? wohin? woher? (8241 candidates)
    25. Personal pronouns (7871 candidates)
    26. Opposite words (7674 candidates)
    27. Dialogue : At the doctor's (7247 candidates)
    28. Complete : Colours (7215 candidates)
    29. Prepositions : directive/locative (6904 candidates)
    30. Present (6757 candidates)
    31. Passive (present/imperfekt) (6726 candidates)
    32. Plural of the nouns (6249 candidates)
    33. Declension (6196 candidates)
    34. Complete : Family (5875 candidates)
    35. Animals: wordsearch (5832 candidates)
    36. Meeting in a school (5751 candidates)
    37. Adverbs: erst / schon (5749 candidates)
    38. Position verbs (5698 candidates)
    39. Negation: nicht/kein (5509 candidates)
    40. Prepositions + dative (5353 candidates)

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