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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (628 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    381. What about... (8733 candidates)
    382. Aboriginal society (8729 candidates)
    383. New school year (8722 candidates)
    384. Dialogue : To rent a flat (8634 candidates)
    385. Contractions (8484 candidates)
    386. Mail about a job application (8461 candidates)
    387. Bd ; Where is the cat? (8437 candidates)
    388. Dialogue : A visitor from abroad (8296 candidates)
    389. Those hard little words (8171 candidates)
    390. Dialogue : Housework (8132 candidates)
    391. Three little pigs (7980 candidates)
    392. Why not with your fingers ? (7977 candidates)
    393. Dialogue : He is never there (7831 candidates)
    394. Song: Shenandoah (7735 candidates)
    395. St Valentine's Day (7724 candidates)
    396. Dialogue : Making an appointment by phone. (7479 candidates)
    397. Exotic Animals (7477 candidates)
    398. Marie Stuart Queen of Scots (1542 - 1587) (7368 candidates)
    399. Find the mistakes (7324 candidates)
    400. Dialogue : What to do on Saturday night? (7287 candidates)

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