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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (1246 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    381. FLE - Téléphone (au) (36827 candidates)
    382. Bon français : Ne dites pas ... mais dites... (36580 candidates)
    383. Révision générale avec Jules Verne (36557 candidates)
    384. House - Vocabulary (36384 candidates)
    385. Dictée audio : Corrigez les erreurs (36235 candidates)
    386. Worksheet -Body words (36054 candidates)
    387. Les sons (s) et (z). (35995 candidates)
    388. Dialogue : An informal conversation between 2 friends (35842 candidates)
    389. Car - Vocabulary (35769 candidates)
    390. Un mot->plusieurs sens (35758 candidates)
    391. Infinitive form (35545 candidates)
    392. Vocabulary - At school (35517 candidates)
    393. Dialogue : A visitor from abroad (35290 candidates)
    394. Bilan de connaissances 1 (complétez ce texte) (35267 candidates)
    395. FLE - Aller-Venir-Attendre (Imparfait) (34872 candidates)
    396. Dictée audio : Son ON et le son EN (34364 candidates)
    397. Ton - tons - T'ont - Thon - Tond (34024 candidates)
    398. Weather - vocabulary (33936 candidates)
    399. Féminin des noms en i -CE2 (33814 candidates)
    400. FLE - Métiers 2 (33699 candidates)

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