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    These tests : French tests English tests Maths tests All
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    tests by valdyeuse with the online test builder (222 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    41. Accusative or dative (5300 candidates)
    42. Rooms (5280 candidates)
    43. Present Perfect (Perfekt): auxiliaries (5153 candidates)
    44. Ordinal numbers (5129 candidates)
    45. Present perfect (5063 candidates)
    46. Infinitive (5016 candidates)
    47. Pefekt: auxiliaries (4730 candidates)
    48. Personal pronoun (4695 candidates)
    49. Imperative (4589 candidates)
    50. Perfekt (4533 candidates)
    51. Erst / nur (4466 candidates)
    52. Erst/nur (4379 candidates)
    53. Declension (4056 candidates)
    54. als/wenn (3870 candidates)
    55. Perfekt (3853 candidates)
    56. Personal object pronouns (3839 candidates)
    57. Personal pronouns (3703 candidates)
    58. Compound words (3690 candidates)
    59. Object personal pronouns (3678 candidates)
    60. Past participles (3579 candidates)

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