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    These tests : French tests English tests All
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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    421. Verbs and particles (1265 candidates)
    422. Mer - navigation (3154 candidates)
    423. Accord du verbe : cas particuliers. (6518 candidates)
    424. Confusion de mots (8050 candidates)
    425. Passé smple : Peintres (878 candidates)
    426. Faux amis (4976 candidates)
    427. Verbes avec ou sans préposition ; (10407 candidates)
    428. Verbes en -cer, -ger, -yer, -ayer (13123 candidates)
    429. Adjective and preposition (9545 candidates)
    430. To pay and vocabulary (4681 candidates)
    431. Present simple or continuous (27925 candidates)
    432. Parole(s)et expressions (1824 candidates)
    433. Sel et ses expressions (8423 candidates)
    434. Compound adjectives (4828 candidates)
    435. Reported speech (10145 candidates)
    436. Verbs and tenses (2577 candidates)
    437. Vocabulaire thématique (3401 candidates)
    438. Payer - Conjugaison et expressions (2237 candidates)
    439. Adverbes en -ment (3702 candidates)
    440. Dérivation du nom à l'adjectif. (4207 candidates)

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