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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (1239 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    441. Dernière lettre - logique - CM1 (27857 candidates)
    442. Bilan de connaissances - Petit Alsacien (27849 candidates)
    443. FLE - À la poste (27837 candidates)
    444. Dialogue : Talking about the age and birthday (27766 candidates)
    445. Mots épelés - A la plage. (27762 candidates)
    446. Dialogue : I need a doctor (27312 candidates)
    447. Homophones ''ma'' (27305 candidates)
    448. Les pronoms relatifs doublés d'une préposition. (27299 candidates)
    449. FLE - Demander son chemin (27245 candidates)
    450. FLE - Être en mouvement (Imparfait) (27226 candidates)
    451. Ta, t'a - A1 (27028 candidates)
    452. FLE - Loisirs à l'impératif (26770 candidates)
    453. Leur - Leurs (26766 candidates)
    454. Dialogue : I would like to book a room. (26759 candidates)
    455. Dialogue : In order to be an au-pair girl (26640 candidates)
    456. On ? ou On n' ? (26550 candidates)
    457. Negative form (1st step) (26499 candidates)
    458. Present : Être (26473 candidates)
    459. Bilan flash : orthographe débutants 1 (26309 candidates)
    460. Modes et Verbes d'opinion (26222 candidates)

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