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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (1246 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    521. FLE - Lancer-attraper-jeter-donner (Imparfait) (20741 candidates)
    522. FLE - Prendre une direction (Présent) (20720 candidates)
    523. Compréhension orale - L'Atlantide (20715 candidates)
    524. FLE - Loisirs 1 au futur (20624 candidates)
    525. Féminins en U-A1 (20433 candidates)
    526. L'impératif et pronom personnel complément (20377 candidates)
    527. Expressions françaises (20315 candidates)
    528. Ma, m'a, m'as - A1 (20293 candidates)
    529. Dialogue : Postcard from Sevilla (19875 candidates)
    530. Dialogue : Applying for a job (19710 candidates)
    531. Une périphrase pour un lieu (19670 candidates)
    532. Dialogue : At the hairdresser's (19639 candidates)
    533. Mon village (19573 candidates)
    534. Jouer à/aux/au/à la - de/du/de la/des (19449 candidates)
    535. Compréhension orale : Un bébé curieux (19191 candidates)
    536. En + singulier ou pluriel ? (19157 candidates)
    537. The cedilla (18700 candidates)
    538. Connétable du Guesclin (18658 candidates)
    539. Dialogue : What will you have for breakfast? (18609 candidates)
    540. Compréhension audio : A la montagne. (18559 candidates)

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