Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
61. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (3519 candidates)
62. Prepositions + dative (3356 candidates)
63. Coordinating conjunctions (3298 candidates)
64. Desorder : Time (3041 candidates)
65. Welcher... ? Welche... ? Welches... ? / Welche... ? (2960 candidates)
66. Negation: kein / nicht (2898 candidates)
67. Erst/nur (2875 candidates)
68. Infinitve subordinate (2863 candidates)
69. Genitive (2851 candidates)
70. Definite articles (2793 candidates)
71. More... more... (2791 candidates)
72. Relative pronouns (2580 candidates)
73. Present Perfect (Perfekt): irregular past participles (2471 candidates)
74. Gender of nouns (2445 candidates)
75. Infinitive (2432 candidates)
76. Riddle : Time (2372 candidates)
77. Logical ending (2359 candidates)
78. Countryside, sea, town (2357 candidates)
79. Months of the year (2317 candidates)
80. Verbs: -gehen (2303 candidates)
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