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    Learn French > French lessons & exercises > Chassez l'intrus > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "Chassez l'intrus", created by bridg (a free exercise to learn French):
    Results of the 7 204 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 37.5 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): praneel654 / FRANCE, on Sunday 08 March - 08:36:

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (5676 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 18.6 %
    rubicond/ émeraude/ pastel /rouge *

    Question 2 passed: 26.4 %
    apogée / témérité / identité / supériorité *

    Question 3 passed: 29.8 %
    orage/ grêle / éclaircie/ grésil *

    Question 4 passed: 30.5 %
    cheval / animal / chacal *

    Question 5 passed: 41.2 %
    voiture/automobile/car /bagnole *

    Question 6 passed: 37.2 %
    mais / et / depuis / car *

    Question 7 passed: 38.3 %
    grive / merle / poule / rouge-gorge *

    Question 8 passed: 46.7 %
    mouillé / humide / sec / détrempé *

    Question 9 passed: 38.8 %
    gérant / entreprenant / dirigeant / *

    Question 10 passed: 42.8 %
    silence / bruit / vacarme / cacophonie *

    Question 11 passed: 41.5 %
    arrogant / discret / prétentieux / narcissique *

    Question 12 passed: 30.9 %
    sucré / amer / insipide / acide *

    Question 13 passed: 20.8 %
    grave / aigu / fluté /strident *

    Question 14 passed: 9.9 %
    géométrie / symétrie / arithmétique/ géographie *

    Question 15 passed: 32.1 %
    tomate / poireau / endive / carotte *

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