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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #11821

    > Other French exercises on the same topics: Future | Find the correct tense [Change theme]
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    French Simple future

    Le Futur Simple

    The future simple tense is essential for expressing actions or events that will take place in the future. Its formation is generally simple, but some verbs have irregularities that are important to know.


    Most verbs are conjugated in the future simple by adding the following endings to the infinitive of the verb: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont.

    Example: chanter (to sing) -> je chanterai (I will sing), tu chanteras (you will sing), il/elle/on chantera (he/she/one will sing), nous chanterons (we will sing), vous chanterez (you will sing), ils/elles chanteront (they will sing).

    Irregular verbs:

    A number of verbs have irregularities in the future simple. These irregularities mainly concern the stem of the verb, which can be modified or truncated. Here are the most common categories of irregular verbs:

    🔹 -re verbs:

    For most of these verbs, the final "e" of the infinitive disappears and the future endings are added to the stem thus obtained.


    prendre (to take) -> je prendrai (I will take)
    vendre (to sell) -> je vendrai (I will sell)
    attendre (to wait) -> j'attendrai (I will wait)

    🔹 -oir verbs:

    These verbs are often irregular and must be learned by heart.


    avoir (to have) -> j'aurai (I will have)
    aller (to go) -> j'irai (I will go)
    faire (to do/make) -> je ferai (I will do/make)
    pouvoir (to be able to) -> je pourrai (I will be able to)
    vouloir (to want) -> je voudrai (I will want)

    🔹 -er verbs:

    Some -er verbs may have irregularities, particularly in terms of accentuation or the modification of certain letters.


    aller (to go) -> j'irai (I will go)
    envoyer (to send) -> j'enverrai (I will send)
    appeler (to call) -> j'appellerai (I will call)

    🔹 Other irregular verbs:

    Some verbs do not follow any particular rule and must be learned individually.


    être (to be) -> je serai (I will be)
    venir (to come) -> je viendrai (I will come)
    tenir (to hold) -> je tiendrai (I will hold)

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    French exercise "French Simple future" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    1. Nous (aller) au bal de fin d'année.

    2. Oscar et Marie (vouloir) sûrement du chocolat.

    3. Vous (commencer) votre test demain.

    4. Garfield et son maître (adopter) un chien.

    5. Nous (devenir) bientôt riches.

    6. Yann (manger) une assiette pleine de frites.

    7. On (être) bien en vacances!!

    8. Rita et son cousin (chanter) ensemble.

    9. Tu nous (manquer) beaucoup.

    10. Elles (partir) demain soir.

    End of the free exercise to learn French: French Simple future
    A free French exercise to learn French.
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