Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #4227
ILL or Y
ILL ou Y ?

When the sound (j) is written –ILL,
the letter i can't be heard when a vowel precedes it :
Le caillou
Du bouillon
Un conseiller
But you can hear it when a consonant precedes it
Une famille
Une fille
Une banderille

When the sound (j) » is written –Y,
Generally the Y is like two I;
The first one being connected to the precedent vowel
The second one being connected to the following vowel
Un crayon => is heard => un crai – ion
Un employé => is heard => un emploi - ié

In this exercise you have to complete by ILL or Y
End of the free exercise to learn French: ILL or Y
A free French exercise to learn French.
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