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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #5443
    > Other French exercises on the same topic: Adjectives [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Possessive adjectives - Ordinal adjectives - Adjectives agreement - Adjectif qualificatif - Adjectifs qualificatifs de sens contraires - Accord des adjectifs qualificatifs - Adjectifs masculins-féminins - Accord de l'adjectif composé
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    Place des adjectifs


    Generally, adjectives follow nouns.

    C'est un film drôle.  => It's a funny film.

    L'ouvrier  a besoin d'un outil neuf. =>The workman needs a new tool.


    But some adjectives precede the noun.

    Bon good /  mauvais bad /  grand big – great /  petit small- little,-petty

     Jeune young /  vieux old- aged /  long  long /  beau beautiful / faux false

    Gros fat– big /  nouveau new /  joli nice - beautiful.


    Ce film est un bon film.  =>This movie is a good movie.
    Marie est une
    jolie fille =>  Mary is a nice girl.


    A few adjectives change meaning when placed before the noun.

     Generally when they are placed after the noun, they keep their literal meaning and when placed before it, they take on a figurative sense.

    Un ancien enseignant = a former teacher

    Un enseignant ancien   = An aged teacher

    Je préfère garder ma propre maison = I prefer to keep my own house

    Je préfère garder ma maison propre = I prefer keeping my house clean.

    Un grand homme = a great man

    Un homme grand   = a big man

    …. Etc …

    In the following exercise, piece the sentences together; (all have a literal meaning).

    End of the free exercise to learn French: Place des adjectifs
    A free French exercise to learn French.
    Other French exercises on the same topic : Adjectives | All our lessons and exercises