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Camping - Vocabulary
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Un campeur | Camper | Un emplacement | Planter la tente | Démonter la tente |
A camper | To camp | A space | To pitch the tent | To take down the tent |
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Terrain de camping | Terrain de caravaning | Faire du caravaning /camping | Dormir à la belle étoile |
Campsite | Caravan site | To go caravanning / camping | To sleep out in the open |
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Une caravane | Un mobil-home | Un chalet | Un camping-car |
A caravan | A mobile home | A chalet | A camper van (US) / a motor caravan |
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Une tente | Le double toit | Le tapis de sol | Le cordage (+ tendeurs) |
A tent | The fly sheet | The ground sheet | The rope (+ guy ropes) |
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Les piquets | Le maillet | Le matelas pneumatique | Le sac de couchage |
The pegs | The mallet | The air bed | The sleeping bag |
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Un sac à dos | La lampe de poche | Le camping-gaz / réchaud | Les recharges |
A back-pack | The torch / the flashlight | The camping stove / stove | The gas canister |
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Un gonfleur | Une gamelle | Le canif | Des allumettes |
An air pump | A billy (can) | The penknife | Matchsticks / Matches |
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Un appareil photo | Le feu de camp | Les sanitaires | Les douches |
A camera | The campfire | The toilet block | The showers |
To pack for camping = Faire son sac (à dos). To pitch camp= S'aménager un coin, un emplacement pour camper. To make / set up a camp. = To encamp = Monter un camp. To camp out To break camp = To decamp = Démonter le camp pour partir. |

French exercise "Camping - Vocabulary" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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