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    The missing vowels/365

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    The missing vowels/365
    Message de marit64 posté le 16-09-2020 à 23:20:56 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right answer.

    Once again, the number of vowels is given in 8 out 0f 10 answers.

    1- A small shop or a counter or table on which goods are displayed for sale. ..... (l s l t)

    2- To give a little pull or jerk (to something). ..... (w h t t c) 1

    3- A device that measures time in hours by passing sand from one glass container through a narrow tube into a lower container. ..... (r g s h l s -)

    4- To wait in hiding especially with a dishonest or criminal purpose. ..... (r l k) 1

    5- A pile of uncompleted work etc which has collected. ..... (c g b k l) 2

    6- Loss by wasting. ..... (t w g s) 3

    7- (Of birds) to sit on eggs. ..... (d r b) 2

    8- A dam across a river, with a drop on one side. ..... (r w) 2

    9- Extremely bright. ..... (g d z l n z) 2

    10- A person who walks carelessly among traffic. ..... (w y k j r l) 3

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/365 de flowermusic, postée le 16-09-2020 à 23:41:32 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    That's my try :

    1- A small shop or a counter or table on which goods are displayed for sale. ..... (l s l t) stall

    2- To give a little pull or jerk (to something). ..... (w h t t c) 1 twitch

    3- A device that measures time in hours by passing sand from one glass container through a narrow tube into a lower container. ..... (r g s h l s -) hour-glass

    4- To wait in hiding especially with a dishonest or criminal purpose. ..... (r l k) 1 lurk

    5- A pile of uncompleted work etc which has collected. ..... (c g b k l) 2 backlog

    6- Loss by wasting. ..... (t w g s) 3 wastage

    7- (Of birds) to sit on eggs. ..... (d r b) 2 brood

    8- A dam across a river, with a drop on one side. ..... (r w) 2 weir

    9- Extremely bright. ..... (g d z l n z) 2 dazzling

    10- A person who walks carelessly among traffic. ..... (w y k j r l) 3 jaywalker

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Salut à la belle équipe

    Réponse : The missing vowels/365 de swan85, postée le 17-09-2020 à 21:42:02 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Thank you for these exercises.

    Hi Flowermusic.

    1- A small shop or a counter or table on which goods are displayed for sale. (l s l t) STALL
    2- To give a little pull or jerk (to something). (w h t t c) 1 TWITCH
    3- A device that measures time in hours by passing sand from one glass container through a narrow tube into a lower container. (r g s h l s -) HOURGLASS
    4- To wait in hiding especially with a dishonest or criminal purpose. (r l k) 1 LURK
    5- A pile of uncompleted work etc which has collected. (c g b k l) 2 BACKLOG
    6- Loss by wasting. (t w g s) 3 WASTAGE
    7- (Of birds) to sit on eggs. (d r b) 2 BROOD
    8- A dam across a river, with a drop on one side. (r w) 2 WEIR
    9- Extremely bright. (g d z l n z) 2 DAZZLING
    10- A person who walks carelessly among traffic. (w y k j r l) 3 JAYWALKER

    Waiting now for Chocolatcitron. Have a nice week.

    See you.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/365 de chocolatcitron, postée le 18-09-2020 à 21:17:45 (S | E)
    The missing vowels/365
    Message de marit64 posté le 16-09-2020 à 23:20:56 (S | E | F)
    *Hello my dear Marit, thanks, it was still very interesting and easy to find your missing vowels!
    Hi Flowermusic and Swan!
    Hi everybody who comes to play with us, you're all !

    1- A small shop or a counter or table on which goods are displayed for sale. (l s l t) stall = étal.
    2- To give a little pull or jerk (to something). (w h t t c) 1 twitch = secousse.
    3- A device that measures time in hours by passing sand from one glass container through a narrow tube into a lower container. (r g s h l s -) hour-glass = hourglass = sablier.
    4- To wait in hiding especially with a dishonest or criminal purpose. (r l k) 1 lurk = rôder, babauder .
    5- A pile of uncompleted work etc which has collected. (c g b k l) 2 backlog = retard.
    6- Loss by wasting. (t w g s) 3 wastage = gaspillage.
    7- (Of birds) to sit on eggs. (d r b) 2 brood = couver.
    8- A dam across a river, with a drop on one side. (r w) 2 weir = barrage, seuil.
    9- Extremely bright. (g d z l n z) 2 dazzling = éclatant, étincelant.
    10- A person who walks carelessly among traffic. (w y k j r l) 3 jaywalker = piéton indiscipliné, qui traverse hors des passages piétons.

    Good luck and have fun! Quite easily resolved in only 17 minutes, come on...

    Have a sweet week, and stay safe!
    See you soon.

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