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    The missing vowels /367

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    The missing vowels /367
    Message de marit64 posté le 07-10-2020 à 23:06:16 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week, the number of vowels is given in 6 out of 10 answers.

    1- A person who sells cloth, clothing etc. ..... (p r r d) 2

    2- Thin, slim or narrow. ..... (d l s r n)

    3- A (usually small) shapeless mass of liquid etc. ..... (l b b) 1

    4- Keen enjoyment. ..... (s z t)

    5- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. ..... (d l g r)

    6- A synonym of "a search". ..... (s q t)

    7- Very unpleasant; nasty. ..... (l f) 2

    8- The shelf above a fireplace. ..... (t p m c n l) 5

    9- Too brightly coloured or vivid. ..... (r l d) 2

    10- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (g g d r r b) 4

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week and stay safe!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels /367 de flowermusic, postée le 07-10-2020 à 23:43:00 (S | E)
    Hello Dear Marit

    Nice to see you

    That's my try:

    1- A person who sells cloth, clothing etc. ..... (p r r d) 2 draper

    2- Thin, slim or narrow. ..... (d l s r n) slender

    3- A (usually small) shapeless mass of liquid etc. ..... (l b b) 1 blob

    4- Keen enjoyment. ..... (s z t) zest

    5- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. ..... (d l g r) glider

    6- A synonym of "a search". ..... (s q t) quest

    7- Very unpleasant; nasty. ..... (l f) 2 foul

    8- The shelf above a fireplace. ..... (t p m c n l) 5 mantelpiece

    9- Too brightly coloured or vivid. ..... (r l d) 2 lurid

    10- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (g g d r r b) 4 budgerigar

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Coucou à la belle équipe et à Sanna qui revient dans l'équipe

    Réponse : The missing vowels /367 de chocolatcitron, postée le 09-10-2020 à 22:14:22 (S | E)
    The missing vowels /367
    Message de marit64 posté le 07-10-2020 à 23:06:16 (S | E | F)

    Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
    Hi Flowermusic, Sanna, and Swan ! Sanna, we missed you !
    Hi Everybody!

    Here is my work:
    1- A person who sells cloth, clothing etc. (p r r d) 2 draper = marchand de tissus.
    2- Thin, slim or narrow. (d l s r n) slender = gracile, mince, svelte.
    3- A (usually small) shapeless mass of liquid etc. (l b b) 1 blob = goutte, forme indistincte.
    4- Keen enjoyment. (s z t) zest = enthousiasme, énergie.
    5- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. (d l g r) glider = planeur.
    6- A synonym of "a search". (s q t) quest = quêter.
    7- Very unpleasant; nasty. (l f) 2 foul = infâme, ignoble, infecte...
    8- The shelf above a fireplace. (t p m c n l) 5 mantelpiece = manteau de cheminée.
    9- Too brightly coloured or vivid. (r l d) 2 lurid = criard, choquant.
    10- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. (g g d r r b) 4 budgerigar = perruche.

    Good luck and have fun!
    Have a very sweet week and stay safe!
    See you soon.

    Réponse : The missing vowels /367 de sanna6, postée le 12-10-2020 à 20:38:11 (S | E)
    Hello !

    Thanks a lot for this new Missing Vowels Marit

    Here is my try :

    1- A person who sells cloth, clothing etc. ..... (p r r d) 2 Draper - Vendeur de tissu

    2- Thin, slim or narrow. ..... (d l s r n) Slender - Mince

    3- A (usually small) shapeless mass of liquid etc. ..... (l b b) 1 Blob - Goutte

    4- Keen enjoyment. ..... (s z t) Zest - Entrain

    5- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. ..... (d l g r) Glider - Planeur

    6- A synonym of "a search". ..... (s q t) Quest - Quête

    7- Very unpleasant; nasty. ..... (l f) 2 Foul - Odieux

    8- The shelf above a fireplace. ..... (t p m c n l) 5 Mantelpiece - Manteau de cheminée

    9- Too brightly coloured or vivid. ..... (r l d) 2 Lurid - Vif

    10- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (g g d r r b) 4 Budgerigar - Perruche

    Hope a nice week for each of you !

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux