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    The missing vowels/369

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    The missing vowels/369
    Message de marit64 posté le 21-10-2020 à 22:24:13 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This time, the number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

    1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (m s t n)

    2- Divided into two branches or divisions. ..... (k f d r)

    3- Small pieces of stone, brick etc. ..... (b r l b)

    4- To push roughly. ..... (s l j t) 2

    5- A male pig (especially the wild variety). ..... (r b)

    6- (Of people, discipline etc) very strict; cruel. ..... (r h h s) 1

    7- A person who is under the legal control and care of someone who is not his or her parent or of a court. ..... (r w d) 1

    8- An important official in a university. ..... (n d)

    9- A long written essay, report etc often done for a university degree. ..... (s s h t) 2

    10- Very bad, ugly. ..... (h l g t s) 2

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week and stay safe!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/369 de chocolatcitron, postée le 21-10-2020 à 22:47:14 (S | E)
    The missing vowels - 369
    Message de marit64 posté le 21-10-2020 à 22:24:13 (S | E | F)
    Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
    Hi Flowermusic : you've already won : congrats !
    Hi Sanna, Swan : good luck to you!
    Hi everybody, you're welcome!

    Here is my work:
    1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. (m s t n) stamen = étamine.
    2- Divided into two branches or divisions. (k f d r) forked = fourchu.
    3- Small pieces of stone, brick etc. (b r l b) rubble = décombres, gravats.
    4- To push roughly. (s l j t) 2 jostle = se bousculer.
    5- A male pig (especially the wild variety). (r b) boar = verrat.
    6- (Of people, discipline etc) very strict; cruel. (r h h s) 1 harsh = sévère.
    7- A person who is under the legal control and care of someone who is not his or her parent or of a court. (r w d) 1 ward = pupille.
    8- An important official in a university. (n d) dean = doyen.
    9- A long written essay, report etc often done for a university degree. (s s h t) 2 thesis = thèse.
    10- Very bad, ugly. (h l g t s) 2 ghastly = épouvantable horrible.

    Have a sweet week and stay safe, all of You!
    See you soon.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/369 de flowermusic, postée le 21-10-2020 à 22:47:34 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    That's my try :

    1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (m s t n) stamen

    2- Divided into two branches or divisions. ..... (k f d r) forked

    3- Small pieces of stone, brick etc. ..... (b r l b) rubble

    4- To push roughly. ..... (s l j t) 2 jostle

    5- A male pig (especially the wild variety). ..... (r b) boar

    6- (Of people, discipline etc) very strict; cruel. ..... (r h h s) 1 harsh

    7- A person who is under the legal control and care of someone who is not his or her parent or of a court. ..... (r w d) 1 ward

    8- An important official in a university. ..... (n d) dean

    9- A long written essay, report etc often done for a university degree. ..... (s s h t) 2 thesis

    10- Very bad, ugly. ..... (h l g t s) 2 ghastly

    Have a sweet sweet week

    ET grand salut à la fine et belle équipe

    Réponse : The missing vowels/369 de swan85, postée le 27-10-2020 à 13:47:55 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Thank you for these very interesting words, "as usual".

    1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. STAMEN (m s t n)
    2- Divided into two branches or divisions. FORKED (k f d r)
    3- Small pieces of stone, brick etc. RUBBLE (b r l b)
    4- To push roughly. JOSTLE (s l j t) 2
    5- A male pig (especially the wild variety). BOAR (r b)
    6- (Of people, discipline etc) very strict; cruel. HARSH (r h h s) 1
    7- A person who is under the legal control and care of someone who is not his or her parent or of a court. WARD (r w d) 1
    8- An important official in a university. DEAN (n d)
    9- A long written essay, report etc often done for a university degree. THESIS (s s h t) 2
    10- Very bad, ugly. GHASTLY (h l g t s) 2

    Nice week to all of you.
    See you soon.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux