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    The missing vowels/370

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    The missing vowels/370
    Message de marit64 posté le 28-10-2020 à 21:07:34 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    Let's try something more difficult this time; you don't have any number of vowels.

    1- A mischievous person, especially a child. ..... (g r)

    2- A person who watches but does not take part. ..... (d t b y r s n)

    3- A broad piece of metal, wood etc carried as a protection against weapons. ..... (l h s d)

    4- A person who supports someone or something, especially with money. ..... (k b c r)

    5- A synonym of "violin". ..... (d d l f)

    6- To be fond of to an extent which is foolish. ..... (t d)

    7- To drink enough to take away (one's thirst). ..... (c n q h)

    8- The sheltered side, away from the wind. ..... (l)

    9- A person who is very enthusiastic about something. ..... (n f d)

    10- A young goose. ..... (l g s g n)

    Don't worry, I'll give you some clues if you need them.

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week and stay safe!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/370 de flowermusic, postée le 28-10-2020 à 22:09:18 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    That's my try :

    1- A mischievous person, especially a child. ..... (g r) rogue

    2- A person who watches but does not take part. ..... (d t b y r s n) bystander

    3- A broad piece of metal, wood etc carried as a protection against weapons. ..... (l h s d) shield

    4- A person who supports someone or something, especially with money. ..... (k b c r) backer

    5- A synonym of "violin". ..... (d d l f) fiddle

    6- To be fond of to an extent which is foolish. ..... (t d) dote

    7- To drink enough to take away (one's thirst). ..... (c n q h) quench

    8- The sheltered side, away from the wind. ..... (l) lee

    9- A person who is very enthusiastic about something. ..... (n f d) fiend

    10- A young goose. ..... (l g s g n) gosling

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Et courage à la belle équipe, mais elle est forte

    Réponse : The missing vowels/370 de chocolatcitron, postée le 29-10-2020 à 17:30:11 (S | E)
    The missing vowels/370
    Message de marit64 posté le 28-10-2020 à 21:07:34 (S | E | F)
    Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
    Hi Flowermusic, Sanna and Swan!
    Hi Everybody!

    Here is my work:
    1- A mischievous person, especially a child. (g r) rogue = sans scrupules, verreux, fripouille.
    2- A person who watches but does not take part. (d t b y r s n) bystander = témoin, spectacteur.
    3- A broad piece of metal, wood etc carried as a protection against weapons. (l h s d) shield = bouclier.
    4- A person who supports someone or something, especially with money. (k b c r) backer = partenaire financier, bailleur de fond.
    5- A synonym of "violin". (d d l f) fiddle = violon.
    6- To be fond of to an extent which is foolish. (t d) dote = être gaga de, adorer.
    7- To drink enough to take away (one's thirst). (c n q h) quench = étancher, se désaltérer.
    8- The sheltered side, away from the wind. (l) lee = bord sous le vent.
    9- A person who is very enthusiastic about something. (n f d) fiend = obsédé.
    10- A young goose. (l g s g n) gosling = oison.

    Don't worry, I'll give you some clues if you need them.
    Good luck and have fun! It was harder and longer to find your missing vowels than usually, this time!
    Have a pretty sweet week and stay safe!
    See you soon.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/370 de swan85, postée le 30-10-2020 à 21:50:25 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Thank you for these new words.

    1- A mischievous person, especially a child. ROGUE (g r)
    2- A person who watches but does not take part. BYSTANDER (d t b y r s n)
    3- A broad piece of metal, wood etc carried as a protection against weapons. SHIELD (l h s d)
    4- A person who supports someone or something, especially with money. BACKER (k b c r)
    5- A synonym of "violin". FIDDLE (d d l f)
    6- To be fond of to an extent which is foolish. DOTE (t d)
    7- To drink enough to take away (one's thirst). QUENCH (c n q h)
    8- The sheltered side, away from the wind. LEE (l)
    9- A person who is very enthusiastic about something. FIEND (n f d)
    10- A young goose. GOSLING (l g s g n)

    Hi Flowermusic and chocolatcitron.
    Nice week to you all.

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